We are supporting these Services

Short and long time rental

Rent Tesla Super Cars and experience what is possible with this Cars on German Autobahn.
Fill out the booking form and we will make you an offer for days or week to rent

Driving holidays

We offer a lot different travels along nice roads and pretty places and cities in central Europe, where hotels are booked and everything is arranged. You can enjoy your driving or switch on the autopilot of the Tesla and enjoy the country side. These proposal can be changed in every detail. As we know details are making the difference.

Car comparison

If you want to proof that the american Tesla Model S is realy the best in the world, we can arrange a rental of an “old style super sportscar” like AMG Aston Martin Bentley Bugatti De Tomaso Ferrari Jaguar Koenig Koenigsegg Lamborghini Lancia Lotus Maserati McLaren Porsche Wiesmann Mercedes

Airport pickup

We will bring the Tesla to every European airport. You do not need an additional car


We bring the car to every hotel in Europe. You can plan the rental completely flexible as part of your holiday in Europe.